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How to Manage Headaches & Migraines Safely and Effectively

FREE Talk How to Manage Headaches & Migraines Safely and Effectively

Tuesday 14th May, 5.45pm – 6.45pm at Connect Spinal Health, 56 Queen Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH6 7EX


It’s Dr Andrew here, Clinical Director of Connect Spinal Health.

Do you or one of your friends or family suffer from regular headaches and migraines?

As a chiropractor I know just how important your health is. I see so many people every day that suffer from regular headaches and migraines. It effects people’s lives in so many ways and stops them from doing the things they need and love to do. In many cases it results in time off work, missing family and social events and just shutting yourself in a dark room with painkillers and hoping it goes away quickly.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to live with pain. You may have tried everything and feel that it doesn’t work. I’d love to have the opportunity to chat to you all about how to manage headaches and migraines and how it’s related to the health of your neck and spine. It’s a big problem to lots of people but there are many solutions to it!

It may be you that suffers or someone you know. If so. please forward this invitation to a friend or family that suffers from headaches and migraines and would benefit from coming to my FREE talk. 

I have 25 years’ experience of being a chiropractor. I am absolutely passionate about what I do, why? Because I can see the benefits every day of people having their lives changed through chiropractic care.

Come along to our session on Tuesday 14th May 5.45pm – 6.45pm at Connect Spinal Health. It’s completely free and is for one hour maximum. During this time you will learn some simple techniques to reduce your pain, without taking medication.

You will also have a chance to speak to me and get a FREE spinal health check on the spot.

So please if back headaches and migraines are something that affects you or your friends and family come along to my talk. Bring them with you. Hurry! Spaces are limited. Click the email button here and request your space.

Yours in health,

Andrew Feltoe, Principal Chiropractor and Clinic Director

Connect Spinal Health

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