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Meet the Connect Spinal Health Team


Find Out More About Our Chiropractors

Chiropractor Edinburgh, Dr. Andrew Feltoe

Andrew Feltoe

Giulia S.

Giulia Sassarini


Becky McClenaghan, Nutritional Therapist

BeckyBecky McClenaghan of Becky Nutritional Therapy is based at our clinic on Monday mornings (8.00am – 12.30pm) and available at other times as an Online Appointment.

Becky is a Registered Naturopath and provides personalised support on nutrition and lifestyle, using an evidence-based and functional medicine approach.

Her advice will be aimed at addressing any underlying imbalances and together you will agree on a plan to encourage your body’s natural healing process. At the initial consultation, she will go through your diet and health questionnaire, ask questions about all your body systems to get the full picture, then provide you with a personalised plan for you to put in place. You would then ideally meet again 4-6 weeks later for a follow-up to discuss progress and update the plan as necessary.

Read More About Becky


Kirsty McKee, Clinical Assistant

Kirsty, Lead Clinic Assistant

Originally from St Andrews, I was introduced to chiropractic when I was given an opportunity to work in my local clinic as a Chiropractic Assistant and Clinic Manager. It was here that I developed my passion for chiropractic as I saw many patients improve their health, and I also felt the benefits of regular adjustments too. My dream is to attend chiropractic college so that I can become a chiropractor myself and help people to get well and stay well!

My hobbies include jazz, tap, and ballet classes, going to gigs and music festivals, reading novels, and I also love spending time with my friends and family. I joined the team in July 2020, and I have really enjoyed getting to know our clients & seeing them improve with chiropractic care.

I love being part of a team that helps people on their path to health and wellbeing and look forward to welcoming more people to the clinics.


Michelle, Chiropractic AssistantMichelle, Clinic Assistant

I returned from Dubai after living and working in hospitality there for 7 years. My husband is from Edinburgh, so it was a natural move for us to come here and settle back into UK living again. It’s been great to come back to the beautiful city of Edinburgh and enjoy the slight change in weather.

I’m enjoying working at Connect Spinal Health and have been introduced to a whole new world of well-being. I like working with a small caring team and like meeting the different types of people that we get in the practice. In my spare time I love yoga, walking, cooking with vegan recipes, and eating out.


Sinéad Feltoe, Business Manager

Sinéad Feltoe, Business Manager

I work on much of the behind the scenes activity to do with running our business, such as marketing and planning. Before kids, I worked in business consultancy and tourism and now I enjoy applying my skills to chiropractic.

Andrew and I get a huge amount of pleasure and challenge in owning and running our own business and developing a great team. Now that our twins, Gemma and Robert (aged 13) have gone to secondary school age, I can get a lot more involved in it.

Chiropractic is very much a lifestyle and we try to follow this with our own family. As much a possible we feed our kids healthy homemade organic food and know the pressures that family face with sugar, unhealthy snacks, the use of iPads and tablets and watching too much TV. We enjoy being active and getting out cycling, swimming, and walking as a family.

Read More About Sinéad

We avoid antibiotics and paracetamol for all of us whenever possible and focus on allowing the body to heal how it natural wants to. All four of us take omega 3 and vitamin and mineral supplements every day to support our body’s immune system. The children and I are adjusted by Andrew regularly to help our spine and nervous system stay healthy. Medicine is always there for us as an emergency, when we value it greatly.

When I met Andrew, I suffered from chronic backpain and was told by GP’s that I was asthmatic and carried an inhaler. Now this has all gone, which is wonderful.

I knew nothing about chiropractic before I met Andrew and I know how this is the same for most people. I’ve learnt that a huge part of our role in advising patients is education and helping people to see and understand the great benefits of chiropractic.

Connect Spinal Health Team | 0131 554 5855